Ab Coaster Machine Benefits: The Fun Core Workout

When people decide to start getting fit, their first priority is losing weight around their waistline.

More often they will figure out and will start doing crunches.

Fat Man Doing Ab Crunches

They will crunch and crunch away for weeks on end and get so frustrated by the lack of results that they give up and fall back into their same bad habits.

But the problem isn’t with people’s lack of motivation.

The problem is that doing crunches is an inefficient use of your energy.

The Ab Coaster was designed so that you get the most out of your workout.


AB Coaster Machine India


When you do crunches you are working your abs from the top down.

Bodybuilders and gymnasts around the world know that the secret to building a lean and powerful core is working those muscles from the bottom up.


ultimate lean bulk guide pdf


The Ab Coaster mimics one of the most difficult abdominal exercises you can do, the hanging leg raise.

Professional athletes tone and strengthen their core muscles by hanging from a bar and lifting their legs up to their chest.

Hanging Leg Raises Alternative


Gymnasts will take it one step further by sitting down with their legs in front of them and then lifting themselves up on their hands and raising their legs as high as they can.


Gymnast Leg raises on Rings


These exercises are great for people whose bodies are their livelihoods.

But what about the rest of us? That is where the Ab Coaster comes in.

It makes this incredibly difficult exercise easier for the average person to perform.

Instead of hanging from a bar, you kneel down in a comfortable position on the Ab Coaster and lift your legs up.

It uses a weight-bearing design so that you can tone your core far more simply, while still working out the same muscle groups you would be doing a far more difficult exercise.

It engages your core muscles all throughout your workout so you are continuously contracting those key muscles.

Another benefit is that the seat rotates freely. This will allow you to target other areas, like your obliques, ensuring a full abdominal workout.

The Ab Coaster doesn’t just come on its own though.

Its makers know that just a piece of workout equipment isn’t going to lead to a full lifestyle makeover.

It comes with a variety of extras to help make your road to fitness run even more smoothly.

For one, it comes with a digital counter so that you can mark your progress.

Ab Coaster Rep Counter

Remember that when you first start on an exercise program, you should start slowly.

Don’t go too overboard right away or you will be too sore to continue. Build up a little bit more every day. Push yourself. Be brave and it will pay off.
