How to Lose Weight with A Busy Lifestyle

Do you think it is impossible to lose weight with a busy lifestyle?

I have worked in the corporate sector for almost 5 years before quitting and started taking my online business seriously.

Meetings, late working hours, stress, inadequate sleep would have kept me away from losing weight and my passion to get a lean physique.

Lose Weight with A Busy Lifestyle

It was a big challenge for me but I didn’t make any excuse and somehow managed to lose weight and build muscles.

So here are 8 tips that have helped me, which will work for you too 😊

1.Plan Everything in Advanced

  • Every weekend I made a note of how many calories and macros, I was going to eat throughout the week. I did that with the help of a calorie calculator application.

Plan everything in advanced - Lose Weight with A Busy Lifestyle

  • A calorie calculator application is very easy to use, you just have to enter your targeted calorie intake according to your goals whether it is weight loss or weight gain.
  • If you still don’t know why it is important to monitor your calorie intake here is an interesting article which tells you “How To Lose 1 Kg Per Week
  • Then you just need to add the food sources you would like to eat.
  • Even if you miss out some food sources you can easily edit and replace it with alternatives.
  • In my case, I use the Cronometer mobile application to track nutrition and count calories.

2. Make Lunch Packs (Meal Prep)

  • I always carried snacks or food which are easy to make and carry.
  • Because sometimes due to meetings and seminars I used to miss my lunch and snacks that is why I have always planned and packed them all in a container.
  • For example, you can carry dried fruits, nuts, seeds, cheese sandwich, wraps, for mid noon snacks.
  • Paneer bhurji, chole, rajma or sprouts masala (dry), wheat or multigrain roti, etc for lunch.
  • One little hack! In case you miss your breakfast and rushed to the office due to some emergency or got late, try to keep some instant oats in an office drawer, you can use those packed dried fruits, nuts and sugar free to make a healthy fruit and nut oats bowl by adding some lukewarm water which is very filling.

Oats with Nuts - Lose Weight with A Busy Lifestyle

  • If you are a non-vegetarian try eating freshly cooked meat as it gets spoiled easily or you can consume it in dinner after reaching your home or in a restaurant.

3. Carry Artificial Sweeteners in Your Bag

  • In case you go out for a meeting, many times it happens that your client or customer will offer you tea or coffee which is a ritual in India and when you are sitting in front of your customer you can’t even deny the offering.
  • Ask them to add no sugar in your beverage where you can add one or two drops/tablets of artificial sweeteners which have any zero calories in tea or coffee.

Sugar-Free-Natura-Sweet-Drops-Lose Weight with A Busy Lifestyle

  • Hurray, I have saved your day 😛

Moving on to the next point…..

4. Buy a Whey Protein Powder

  • Now I always recommend a whey protein powder especially to vegetarians as they miss a lot of protein in their diet.
  • Number one whey protein is extracted from milk, so no need to be scared that it will harm your body, and I have been consuming it from the past 8 years so relax.
  • Just make sure you buy it from a genuine or authentic physical/online store.
  • I have been getting my supplements from Nutrija Online Supplement Store and it has been 6 months since I have been using their products you can give it a try as they have great customer support.
  • Talking about daily protein intake an average person who doesn’t train should take 0.8 g of protein per kg of body weight where American College of Sports Medicine & Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics recommends 1.2 to 1.7 g of protein per kg of body weight for people who train with weights.

How much protein you should eat per day

  • Accordingly, a 68 kg person will need 54 g of protein daily and a 90 kg person will need 72 g of protein daily (*considering that you are not going to train with weights. As the demand for protein increases if you do some kind of resistance training)

5. Try Protein Bars

  • I always kept these in my office drawers whenever I forgot to bring my snack, these are very handy and most of the protein bars in the market provides 20 grams of protein per bar.
  • Try to keep your drawer locked as your colleague might try to grab a bit as it is damn tasty 😉

6. Use a Fitness Tracker

  • Now fitness trackers give you an approximation of how many calories you are burning per day.
  • The whole point of recommending a good fitness tracker is to plan your calorie intake accordingly, as you will not burn the same number of calories you burn on weekdays vs. weekends, as on weekends you might spend your whole day watching Netflix or YouTube.
  • Another point is people with jobs that require a lot of physical activity like sales, on-site engineers, teachers need more calories than people with desk jobs.
  • So, it is advisable to buy a good fitness tracker.

7. Sleep on Time


  • Sleep is something which nowadays most people are deprived off.
  • I still remember whenever I got a project from my boss, I used to be so excited that whole night I only thought about how to make my project better and expect some appreciation from my boss in return.
  • But lack of sleep may hamper your weight loss process and may even lead to weight gain by upregulating the hormones that reduce metabolism, elevate the feeling of hunger, food cravings, and lead to low energy levels throughout the day.
  • But I somehow managed to sleep at least 6 hours every day and one thing which I did was emptying up my mind before sleep by meditating for 5-10 minutes listening to some mindfulness music on YouTube.
  • I made sure to silent my phone at 11 pm sharp to avoid any distractions.

8. Reduce your Stress Levels

  • Stress causes your body to gain fat because it triggers the release of the stress hormone cortisol, which in turn increases your appetite.
  • How to relieve stress?

  • Four ways which have helped me in relieving stress was mindfulness meditation which helps in reducing anxiety, going out in nature, talking to a colleague whom you can trust, reading a positive motivation book and then you can come up with your own things which reduces your stress levels.
  • 10-15 minutes of meditation first thing in the morning is something which I never missed.

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