lose tummy fat

It’s simple to accumulate belly fat, but it’s difficult to lose. A typical weight-loss aim is to lose abdominal fat, commonly known as belly fat.. Abdominal fat is particularly dangerous, as it is linked to ailments such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.  As a result, decreasing weight can improve your health and happiness … Read more


weight gain and sex drive

Obesity is well-known as a health threat. Obesity has a specific impact on male hormones, sexuality, and prostate health, thus men pay a higher price for being overweight. They are just as concerned as women about the influence their extra weight is having on their sex life and how they feel about themselves, and their … Read more

What can I eat at an Indian restaurant while on a low-carb diet?

low carb indian diet

Just because you’re following a low-carb diet doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a meal out once in a while! Restaurants don’t always have a lot of low-carb alternatives, Don’t be concerned! You do not have to say goodbye to your favorite Indian restaurant because if you know what to ask for, you can make practically … Read more

Is there an advantage/disadvantage to doing cardio before my body weight exercises?

cardio exercises

Cardio and weight training are the cornerstone of most fitness plans, whether you like it or not. If you go to the gym on a regular basis, you probably have a preference for whether you go to the cardio machines or the weight room first. The basic answer is that it relies mainly on your … Read more

Is Pilates better cardio or strength?


Cardio and strength training go together like peanut butter and jelly or salt and pepper. A combination of Pilates and cardio activities, as practically all physical fitness professionals recommend, is an effective exercise plan. Pilates is a form of exercise that stretches, strengthens, and balances the body. Cardio raises your heart rate and strengthens the … Read more

Is there any benefit to taking whey protein without working out?

Whey Protein

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to boost your protein consumption, a protein smoothie made with Whey is the way to go. Despite the fact that there are other dietary sources that give a sufficient amount of protein, many people choose Whey Protein to help them achieve their fitness objectives. Whey Protein … Read more

Why is losing weight difficult after the initial 3-4 kgs?

15 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight Despite Exercising & Dieting

You are probably motivated and thrilled to begin your weight loss journey when you first start your diet. Everything goes according to plan for the first few weeks; you lose a significant amount of weight, feel wonderful, and have no hunger pangs. Well you’re following all of your commitments, such as eating a calorie-restricted diet … Read more
