Struggling With Weight Loss Motivation? Read This

I am writing this post as one of my 👥 followers on Instagram asked me that I can’t stick to my diet and workout as not losing weight is demotivating to me🙇‍♂️!
I am relating this 🧐
So, first let’s start with this DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES?
This is so motivating that when I have seen this line with one of my greatest inspiration and idol in a picture, I was so charged up that I took control of everything that it takes🦸‍♂️.
I didn’t want to be a victim and keep complaining, “oh I can’t be like that because he must be doing something off or he must be using supplements”
Supplement do help but don’t expect that only taking supplement will transform you🤨.
It’s your diet and workout which actually matters🍎!
And It’s all about your mindset💁‍♂️.
If you believe you can do it and have FAITH, you will find ways to achieve your goals and in order to do that, you have to promise yourself that you won’t QUIT.
Don’t just leave, find out the REASONS and what actually went wrong?🕵️‍♂️
Reassess everything and I can easily correlate this with my Fat Loss & Muscle Building mistakes?
I never tracked my calories and macros in the first four years of my training and thought why I was not getting results🤦‍♂️!
That was the day I have actually started noting down everything from tracking my workouts and food intake.
Today we have such amazing applications like @myfitnesspal where you can easily track your calorie intake and @evernote where you can create notes. I use Evernote to track my number of sets and repetition🏋️‍♂️.
It will be hard at first but let me tell you it’s totally worth it🏆.
If you have any questions or thoughts. Let me know in the comment section below!