Thin vs Lean Body. Know the difference!

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Hey guys! I am Payas Bharadwaj, a 30-year-old father, and an ISSA certified fitness trainer and nutrition specialist.

So, most people don’t realize that there is a big difference between being thin and being lean. Just because if someone’s arms, legs, and waistline have a small circumference doesn’t mean that he or she is healthy and lean.

In fact, many thin people have a high amount of body fat compared to muscle. This is especially true for sedentary people or those who engage in numerous aerobic activities without any kind of strength training.

For example, someone might jog 5kms a day or swim for an hour, yet have a body that looks very thin. Cardio exercises stimulate little if any increase in lean muscle.

Everyone has a certain amount of lean muscle and body fat, but there are healthy and unhealthy percentages. For example, the average body fat percentage for a man is 15 to 17 percent, and lean is considered to be in the range of 11 to 14 percent. For women, 18 to 22 percent is considered average, and 14 to 17 percent is considered lean.

body fat percentage chart

The more body fat you have, the lower your metabolism. You can only increase your metabolic efficiency by increasing your lean muscle mass. The more muscle you have on your frame, the easier it will be to maintain a lean and firm body.

How lean you have little to do with the scale weight.

So if someone is thin doesn’t mean that he/she is lean and if you are interested to know – how to get a lean, toned and athletic body, what I have done is taken out 20 minutes to create this amazing video tutorial for you where I am actually walking you through how you can actually fix this problem and achieve this possibility without the pain of following strict diets you can’t stick to, losing motivation and doing the useless workout.

Where inside this tutorial you will be learning:-

  • 3 Reasons Why People Fail to Achieve A Lean & Toned Body & How To Fix It?
  • Real, proven techniques and principles that will produce results, quickly, safely and effectively
  • How to achieve and maintain a lean, toned and athletic body for the long term?
  • How to have more energy and optimized health while still maintaining a diet?

So, click the button below to get started! I will see you there!
