Exercises for Busy Dads and Busy Professionals when One Hour a Day is Too Much

These days our lives are too busy and too overbooked. Maybe you’re a busy professional. Perhaps you’re a busy dad. Or maybe you’re a busy professional and an overwhelmed family man. Either way, it’s tough to fit in exercise every day. Trying to find an entire hour for your routine is close to impossible. You can try these exercises for busy dads and split your sessions into two.

Try These Exercise Tips for Busy Dads

If you do a HIIT session in the morning, aim for stretching or flexibility in the evening. Yoga or tai chi is good to increase flexibility, stretch muscles and reduce stress. As a bonus, you’ll sleep better.

The key is balance. Know your limits, and don’t overdo it. Strength training twice a day won’t give your body enough recovery time and is a recipe for injury and exhaustion.

What are the Benefits to Two Sessions Per Day?

Any increase in physical activity is good for your health. You’ll feel better, be healthier and get sick less often. If you do happen to get sick, you’ll recover faster. Science shows that multiple short sessions are just as effective as a single long session.

But What About Those Disadvantages?

You can overdo it and hurt yourself. Overexercising can be counterproductive. Also, it will disrupt your sleep, appetite, and hormones. Then, you can gain weight and lose muscle. That’s the opposite of what you’re trying to accomplish.

If one hour at the gym every morning is too much for your schedule, try thirty minutes in the morning and thirty in the evening. Just make sure your evening routine is low-key and low impact. Intense exercising too close to bedtime will interfere with sleep.

If thirty minutes twice a day is too much, start with fifteen minutes. You can always build from there, but the most important thing is to begin.

Tips for An Effective Twice A Day Exercise Plan

  • Don’t exercise twice a day every day. Your body needs time to recover.
  • Do not strength-train twice per day
  • Rotate the muscle group you work on. You never want back-to-back workouts on the same muscle group. If you can’t lift your coffee cup without a groan, you’ve gone too far.
  • Combine cardio, strength, and flexibility on alternating days
  • Make sure you have at least one rest day
  • Stay hydrated! Summer is coming, so if you’re jogging outside, take water.
  • Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet low in sugar, fats, and processed foods.
  • Get 7-9 hours of sleep per night. If you skimp on your sleep trying to get everything done, you’ll sabotage your efforts to get healthy.

Click here to watch my free, exclusive video presentation. You’ll learn about the “12 Weeks Lean Body Program.” I use the same system to help hundreds of busy men get in shape and maintain long-term fitness.
