Keto Diet India Review 2019 with Non Veg Diet Plan

Keto diet came like a storm in India a while ago, every other person who wanted to lose weight was trying it.

I still remember in the year 2014 when I have completed my masters every friend of mine was talking about it.

Every fitness magazine and online news site was covering how keto diet is changing lives.

There were literally thousands of social media groups telling everyone to follow this diet.

Does the ketogenic diet really work?

People did lose weight on a ketogenic diet there are a lot of examples in which people reported up to 5 kg weight loss in one single week.

When I have tried it, I lost almost 3 kgs within a week.

But that was mostly from water weight and one week after that I have actually started seeing changes in my fat percentage.

Does this make ketogenic diet “The Ultimate Fat Loss Diet”

Not really! you can achieve the same results by following a low carb, carb cycling, intermittent fasting, moderate carb diet, and a cyclical ketogenic diet.

Always follow the basic fundamental of fat loss “Calorie Deficit or eating fewer calories than your maintenance calories”

Here are my results, I don’t properly remember but I think, I followed it for 2 months I guess 😊

Keto Diet After Result Indian

Unfortunately, I am not having before photos as it is from the year 2015.

Make sure to check my ketogenic diet plan in the end.

In my second transformation in the year 2016, I have used another ketogenic diet strategy (Cyclical Ketogenic Diet) which have helped me to reach near 10 percent body fat.

Cyclical Keto Diet After Results India

I will write about this in my upcoming article so make sure to subscribe to my blog if you would like to know about this in detail.

What is a keto diet?

A ketogenic diet is basically very low in carbohydrates where you have to keep your daily carb intake under 30 grams, protein in moderation and high in fat.

It forces your body to use energy from fats in place of carbohydrates which is your bodies preferred source of energy.

In the first week of the ketogenic diet, you will lose a lot of weight regardless of being in a calorie deficit, maintenance or surplus which is mostly due to a loss in water weight.

This is because of the complete elimination of carbohydrate as a macronutrient.

So, don’t be surprised when someone is telling you about instant fat loss, lose 5-7 kgs in 7 days with a ketogenic diet.

How traditional high carb diet works?

How traditional high carb diet works?

Image reference [1]

In a traditional high carb diet, carbohydrates after digestion are broken down into glucose.

Your body uses glucose for energy and if there is excess, glucose is then stored as glycogen in your muscles and liver.

You can think of glycogen as tiny energy packets, whenever the body is in need of energy it will release glucose into your bloodstream.

How keto diet works?

In a high-fat diet, fats after digestion are broken into fatty acids and stored in the form of triglycerides in your fat cells.

Indian Ketogenic Diet

Image reference [2]

Whenever you eat a diet very low in carbohydrates your body looks for an alternative source of energy.

That is when stored triglycerides are broken down into fatty acids which travel to your liver to produce ketones.

Now, these ketones are used as a source of energy in your body.

How long does it take to be in ketosis?

For me, it took almost 7 days!

In general, you will enter into ketosis after 3-4 days of following this diet.

As I still remember, I felt dizzy on 3rd day of following this diet where I took a glass of sweet lime juice which actually kicked me out of ketosis.


At that time, I had no options as I was on my way to office 😛

The next time when I have started again it was Friday so that I had two days including Sunday as a buffer before ketosis hit.

Day 6 onwards, I almost had no symptoms which didn’t affect my daily routine and I was all good.

How do you know when your body is in ketosis?

These are a few symptoms you will likely feel when your body is in ketosis:

  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Weakness
  • Constipation
  • Bad Breadth
  • Muscle Cramps
  • Sleep Issues

In my case, I felt weak, nauseatic, constipated and had a slight headache.

But all these symptoms were there for short duration mostly for the first few days after that I had no problems.

Side Effects of Keto Diet

Constipation, muscle cramp, hair thinning and hair fall are few problems which I have seen with a lot of people discussing on various social media platforms.

This occurs as you have to exclude a lot of food source from your diet such as fruits, certain vegetables, grains, etc

All these sources are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and fibers.

Some people tend to react soon while others complain about these issues after following a ketogenic diet for at least a month or more than that.

There is a big explanation for all this which I will cover in a separate topic but for now, let me give an overview and solutions to avoid it.

How to prevent constipation, hair loss, and muscle cramp while on a keto diet?

The prime reason for constipation in a ketogenic diet is fibers for that you can either increase your intake of low carb vegetables or you can have Sat Isabgol (Indian Brand for psyllium husk) two tablespoon one with lunch and dinner in warm water or if your diet allows with warm milk.

For hair, fall-related issues make sure to have enough amino acids and micronutrients such as zinc in your diet.

As you eat fewer carbs your body depletes glycogen stores, your kidney excretes water due to which electrolytes like zinc, magnesium, potassium, sodium and iodine levels reduce.

To ensure that you are not deficient in vitamins and minerals have a good multivitamin tablet that can meet your daily needs.

Other things to include:

Biotin, Coconut Oil, Collagen & MSM.

The major reason for muscle cramp on a ketogenic diet is mineral imbalance this can be avoided by having magnesium, sodium, and potassium via whole food or supplementation.

Another thing to take care is having proper hydration.

As ketogenic diet reduces glycogen stores, glycogen holds water in your muscle cells.

To be exact 1 gram of glycogen holds 3 grams of water.

Which gets depleted while following a ketogenic diet.

Aim for at least 5- 6 liters of water every day.

Common Mistakes with Indian Keto Diet Plan

I have seen a lot of people recommending eating rice, chapati, daal, beans, bread, sweets, etc on a ketogenic diet.

If you are allowed to eat these then it is a “Low Carb Diet Not Ketogenic Diet”

This is not a complete list but gives you a rough idea of what not to eat.

Because I have seen people making a modified version of the ketogenic diet in India where they are allowing people to eat a lot of carbs.

If someone is sharing their diet plan with you make sure to you ask them to give caloric, carbs, fats and protein breakdown.

Remember you cannot more than 25 grams of carbs while following a ketogenic diet.

Please avoid all these food sources.

How do I calculate my Keto macros?

These are a general ketogenic guideline with macronutrient ratios for fat loss:

best keto diet macro for weight loss

Fats 70 %, Protein – 25% and Carbohydrates – 5%

So, 1800 calories ketogenic diet macronutrient ratios will look like this (in grams):

  • 113 grams Protein
  • 23 grams Carbohydrates
  • 140 grams of Fats

Keto Macro Calculator

Keto Diet Plan Indian Non Veg

This a 2000 calories diet.

Macro Breakdown for this diet plan:

Fats 63 %, Protein – 32% and Carbohydrates – 5%

  • 155 grams Protein
  • 25.5 grams Carbohydrates
  • 138.3 grams of Fats

This is an Atkin’s version of ketogenic where you can keep your protein intake up to 30% this makes sure to keep your muscle mass intact as well as lose fat.

As I have mentioned that I had followed a non-vegetarian diet during my transformation here is my meal plan:

Meal 1: Protein Shake & Peanut Chat (Pre-Workout Meal)

  • Peanut (56g)
  • 1 Scoop Protein Shake

Instructions: Take whey protein shake separately with one teaspoon of sugar-free and take peanut chat separately by adding 56 g peanuts, half tomato, half onion, one green chili, and coriander finely chopped. Add half teaspoon of salt, salt to taste and one lemon juice squeezed.

You can use a zero carb whey protein isolate while following this diet and I recommend to use Nutrija Whey Protein Isolate  


Meal 2: Protein Shake (Post-Workout Shake)

  • 1 Scoop Protein Shake
  • Half Teaspoon Sugar-Free (Sucralose)
  • Ice Cubes 2 Nos.
  • Muskmelon 100g


Meal 3: Chicken Salad (Lunch)

  • 200 g Chicken Breast Grilled
  • Veggies of your choice chopped
  • 3 Tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil for Dressing


  • Grill 200 g of chicken breast
  • Chop Chinese cabbage, cucumber, tomato, onion, broccoli in a bowl
  • Shred chicken breast into small pieces
  • Add chopped veggies and chicken breast together
  • Add salt and pepper to taste, one tablespoon chili oregano/barbeque sauce, 1/2 lime juice
  • Garnish with coriander leaves and add 3 tablespoons of olive oil from the top
  • Mix everything and eat


Meal 4: Nuts (Evening Snack)

  • Walnut (14g)
  • Almonds (14g)
  • Pistachio (14 g)


Meal 5: Fish Fry or Chilli Fish (Dinner)

  • 200 g Fish (You can have a different type of fish every day)
  • Rice Bran Oil 3 Tablespoon

Fat Loss Workout Plan

It is also very important to follow a High-Intensity Interval Training and to lose fat and weight train for at least 3 times per week to maintain your muscle mass.

I have already made a workout plan which you can check out by clicking here


Ketogenic diet works but you have to give it some time to see results don’t consider it as a miracle diet.

Choose a plan which fits your lifestyle and which is sustainable, don’t overcomplicate things for yourself.

If you are considering a ketogenic diet to lose weight the best way to measure your progress is to take pictures and take measurements with an inch tape every week.

This will give you a clear picture 😉

If you really want to try, go for it.

  • This blog about Keto Diet India Review 2019 with Non Veg Diet Plan helps me a lot in my
    diet. Kiss you all!

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